Zoe was a victim of sexual abuse when she was 12 years old. HOPE worldwide rescued her and provided psychotherapy sessions to help her recover from the trauma. She was resilient and eventually recovered from her dreadful experience.
Now at 18, Zoe excels in her studies and was awarded a scholarship by St. Joseph Foundation. She is taking up B.S. Psychology because she dreams of helping children like her who are victim of sexual or physical abuse to recover and mend the broken pieces of their lives and be serviceable members of society. Together with PCMN networks and faith-based organizations which includes HOPE worldwide, Zoe and Nico, another youth from Payatas, were trained to become youth advocates on child protection and safety.
Youth for Safety is a 20-month advocacy campaign project which aims to build capacities of youth advocates on child protection and safety and promote advocacy campaigns through web and peer education to reduce child sexual abuse incidence in Quezon City.
Despite her busy schedule balancing her studies and her responsibilities as the eldest in the family, she conducts peer education and counselling to children at the COH-Payatas facilitating 5 sessions per month with a minimum of 10 children per session. Currently, she and Nico have reached out and empowered 121 children in their advocacy campaign. Zoe is an inspiring example of turning her traumatic experience into a purposeful one.